<% Set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(""&SysRootDir&"NoInstall.txt")) Then response.Redirect "install.asp" End If set fso=Nothing Call SiteInfo If ISHTML = 1 Then Response.expires = 0 Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1 Response.addHeader "pragma", "no-cache" Response.addHeader "cache-control", "private" Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" End If %> 泰州澄映机械制造有限公司
泰州澄映机械制造有限公司 位于长江三角洲著名的工具制造基地 --江苏泰州海陵工业园区。京沪、宁通高速公路,新长、宁启铁路贯穿全境,交通运输条件十分便利,是专业生产液压机械,电动及手动工具的高新科技企业。专业生产液压千斤顶,轴承加热器、轴承起拔器、液压扳手、液压拉马、液压小吊车、螺母破切器,滤油机和弯管机等。是国内机电业配套的综合性企业,服务于国内各类大中型企业。
  泰州澄映机械制造有限公司产品和技术广泛应用于电力、冶金、钢铁、矿山、造船、石油化工、铁路、桥梁、大型机械制造等领域的机械维修部门和机械制造单位...... [详细]
<% function WebMenu(ParentID,i,level) dim rs,sql set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from Qianbo_ProductSort where ViewFlag and ParentID="&ParentID&" order by ID asc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if conn.execute("select ID from Qianbo_ProductSort Where ViewFlag and ParentID=0").eof then response.write "
" end if do while not rs.eof If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProSortName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&""&Separated&"1."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"" End If response.write ""&rs("SortName")&"
" i=i+1 if i暂无相关信息" end if do while not rs.eof If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProSortName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&""&Separated&"1."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"" End If response.write ""&rs("SortName")&" | " i=i+1 if i" end function function WebMenu3(ParentID,i,level) dim rs,sql set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from Qianbo_ProductSort where ViewFlag and ParentID="&ParentID&" order by Sequence asc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if conn.execute("select ID from Qianbo_ProductSort Where ViewFlag and ParentID=0").eof then response.write "
" end if do while not rs.eof If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProSortName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&""&Separated&"1."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"" End If response.write ""&rs("SortName")&"" i=i+1 if i0 order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " 暂无相关信息"&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf else do while not rs.eof if now()-rs("AddTime")<=2 then NewsName=StrLeft(rs("NewsName"),46) NewFlag=" " else NewsName=StrLeft(rs("NewsName"),50) NewFlag="" end If If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&NewName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&"."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "NewsView.asp?ID="&rs("id")&"" End If Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write "
  "&NewsName&""&NewFlag&"  "&FormatDate(rs("Addtime"),10)&"
"&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf rs.movenext loop end if rs.close set rs=nothing end Function function News1(SortPath) dim rs,sql,NewsName,NewFlag set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select top 14 * from Qianbo_News where ViewFlag and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " 暂无相关信息"&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf else do while not rs.eof if now()-rs("AddTime")<=2 then NewsName=StrLeft(rs("NewsName"),24) NewFlag=" " else NewsName=StrLeft(rs("NewsName"),28) NewFlag="" end If If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&NewName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&"."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "NewsView.asp?ID="&rs("id")&"" End If Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write "   "&NewsName&""&NewFlag&""&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf rs.movenext loop end if rs.close set rs=nothing end Function Function Products(SortPath,trs,tds) dim rs,sql,tr,td,ProductName,SmallPicPath set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") 'sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag order by id desc" sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag and CommendFlag and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 order by id desc" 'sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag and NewFlag order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then response.write "暂无相关信息" else Response.Write ""&VbCrLf for tr=1 to trs Response.Write " "&VbCrLf for td=1 to tds if StrLen(rs("ProductName"))<=18 then ProductName=rs("ProductName") else ProductName=StrLeft(rs("ProductName"),16) end If If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&"."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductView.asp?ID="&rs("id")&"" End If SmallPicPath=HtmlSmallPic(rs("GroupID"),rs("SmallPic"),rs("Exclusive")) Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf rs.movenext if rs.eof then exit for next Response.Write " "&VbCrLf if rs.eof then exit for next Response.Write "
"&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write " "&VbCrLf Response.Write "
"&VbCrLf end if rs.close set rs=nothing End Function Function Products1(SortPath,trs,tds) dim rs,sql,tr,td,ProductName,SmallPicPath set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") 'sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag order by id desc" 'sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag and CommendFlag and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 order by id desc" sql="select top "&trs*tds&" * from Qianbo_Products where ViewFlag and NewFlag order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then response.write "暂无相关信息" else Response.Write ""&VbCrLf for tr=1 to trs Response.Write " "&VbCrLf for td=1 to tds if StrLen(rs("ProductName"))<=28 then ProductName=rs("ProductName") else ProductName=StrLeft(rs("ProductName"),26) end If If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&"."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductView.asp?ID="&rs("id")&"" End If SmallPicPath=HtmlSmallPic(rs("GroupID"),rs("SmallPic"),rs("Exclusive")) Response.Write " "&VbCrLf rs.movenext if rs.eof then exit for next Response.Write " "&VbCrLf if rs.eof then exit for next Response.Write "
"&VbCrLf end if rs.close set rs=nothing End Function function SortPathTXT(DataFrom,ID) dim rs,sql Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") sql="Select * From "&DataFrom&" where ViewFlag and ID="&ID rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof Then If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = ""&ProSortName&""&Separated&""&rs("ID")&""&Separated&"1."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "ProductList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"" End If SortPathTXT=SortPathTXT(DataFrom,rs("ParentID"))&" - "&rs("SortName")&"" end if rs.close set rs=nothing end function %>